About this Site

The Michigan Highways website was featured in the "Webwatcher" column in the January/February 2012 issue of Michigan History magazine!
Welcome to the Michigan Highways website, a personal creation of one person and dedicated to the past, present and future of the Michigan state trunkline system as well as other highways and routes throughout the Great Lakes State. This website is intended to be a clearinghouse of information on Michigan's highways, from easily-recognized facts to the little-known trivia. It is also meant to change as the state trunkline system changes.
A major part of this website are the Highway Listings which contain information on every state trunkline in Michigan, as well as some other non-state-maintained routes. The timeframe covered by this site is generally from 1913—the year the first state trunkline routes were officially assumed into the highway system—to present.
Contrary to what you might think, this entire website was created and is maintained by a single individual, not associated with any government agency, department or office, nor associated with any corporate entity. Any opinions expressed alongside the thousands of facts on this website are only those of the author and webmaster. While government agency websites cannot be (and are usually not) completely devoid of politics, this site attempts to look at all sides of the issues and makes an informed conclusion based on the facts. Visitors are warned they may not always agree with these conclusions, but all opinions are always welcomed by the webmaster.
Additional Information
More information about this website may be found in the following pages:
- What's New – a compendium of website updates
- Site Map & Search – a quick search function is included here
- Sources & Credit – a partial list of the sources and people that have helped make the site what it is
- Site History – on the site's 25th anniversary of going online, a history page was created
- Corrections & Feedback – both are always welcome and encouraged!
- Other Sites – more stuff by the webmaster